NOW Agency

We not only “get” social, we built a business out of it.

Beautycon started with a theory - which stated, the physical and digital world could exist in a single experience. In 2013, the world of beauty, fashion, and lifestyle was in two distinct places. On the one hand, glossy magazines and high-end couture steered the culture and conversation. This lifestyle was inaccessible, aspirational, and downright impossible for most of the very consumers it was reaching.

But with a smart phone and some creativity, everyone became a publisher overnight. Beautycon harnessed the collective reach of the most cutting edge and influential publishers in beauty, fashion and lifestyle. With events around the globe and always on content and media, the audience has grown from a few million fractured fans to a community over 150MM strong.

The theory of digital influence impacting bottom line has been proven, and is now a necessity.